Thursday 9 March 2017


One more easy-to-grow plant in cool climes (15°C – 30 °C) is pepino melon, also called pepino dulce, melon pear, or Solanum muricatum. A native of Peru, South America, pepino is known for its ability to help the body fight against all sorts of infections and cancer. Containing vitamins C, K, A, as well as minerals and antioxidants, pepino helps lower cholesterol levels, keeps your skin smooth and is excellent for your bones.

Though a trailing vine-like plant, it can be grown as a bush too, with some supports. Once established, it starts to yield in 3 to 4 months, and lives for a few years. The unripe fruits are crisp and watery like cucumber. They look like tomatoes, but when cooked, taste like potatoes.
Ripe fruits turn a golden yellow, and are sweet, flavorsome and fragrant like musk melons. Some fruits develop purple streaks on them as they mature. Diabetic persons can safely enjoy the delicious unripe fruits as they contain no sugar.


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