What is controlled, rebels!
What is suppressed, erupts!
Passions and emotions,
Sway body and mind!
To fight them and to win,
Is sooner said than done,
For to rise in awareness,
The passions must begone!
The passions are energies,
Be they of physique or of mind,
Impossible to destroy,
Yet so easy to transform!
Newlyweds, couples on path,
Do take heed and arrive!
Whenever you make love, do so,
Only your partner to please,
And in all joy and earnestness,
Let your spouse do the same!
Just to please your darling,
Make every kiss and caress count,
Take your time, let your starburst wait,
For the orgasmic joy of your dear!
Find your happiness,
In the glee of your spouse,
Be it in the stolen glance of love,
Or in the muffled moans of pleasure!
Living together with one sole goal,
To strive to please the other!
See your spouse as divinity manifest,
Let your love mature, sweeten, mellow!
Just as sweeter the fruit becomes,
As ripens it all the more!
Through the inexorable,
Tumultuous ride of life,
With all your care and love,
Keep the lamp of love, aflame!
As you give yourself fully,
Expecting nothing in return,
Lust transforms to love,
And in love, awareness is born!
For those living alone,
A word before we part,
Spend time in selfless service,
And find Him in your heart!
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