Saturday, 4 February 2017


The rains had failed
Climate change or
Human mindset change
No one could tell
The winter season not yet over
Grasses dried-up
Trees nearly bare of leaves
Men and women peering
Anxiously in their wells
The water table so low
What will happen
Shall we get through summer
Help us, Lord!

Then came the winds
Dry and strong, blasting
For three days and nights
The skies darkened
With clouds heavy
Down came the showers
Not one, but two
A descent of Grace
Enough to soak
The fertile top soil
Months of dust washed off
As though it had never been
The plants lush green again
Birds singing and nesting
As though spring is here.

A week passed by
And the coffee trees bloomed
White blossoms everywhere
A heady scent of jasmine
In the crisp mountain air
Maddened bees buzzing
You feel you're in heaven
Celebration in the air!
Farmers with smiles wide
Their twinkling eyes say
A bumper crop next year!

Such is the power of Grace
That a desert can turn
To forest green
A penniless man adorned
With wealth great and fame
The darkest heart transformed
To the light of all lights
Seemingly skipping
Many a deserving one
And crowning the ones
Looking least likely to win
It happens for certain
Every now and then
But when shall it happen
Or to whom or how,
No mortal may say!
Alert, the one who waits
Enjoys the descent of Grace! ❤


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