Monday 13 May 2019

Say No to Weedicides!

Here in the garden, we never use pesticides or herbicides. If the place to be cleared is small, a sickle is used. If it is larger, a weed-cutter. Using a weed-cutter may be hard, dusty, hot work, but it is easier on the environment, for the chemicals that we use contaminate not just the air that we breathe, but stay in the soil for years, poisoning the food that is grown. They are leeched out by the rain into the ground water, the rivers, and the seas, poisoning the fish, most of which comes back to our tables as summons or subpoenas to the hospital!

As many of these chemicals are systemic, our bodies are unable to flush them out. They get deposited in the intracellular spaces, causing constant irritation to the cells that leads to cancer. The increasing renal disease in the world is chiefly due to chemicals in food. Every form of life on our planet suffers. Say no to pesticides! Say no to weedicides! Say yes to good health! 


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