Sunday, 19 April 2020

My Own!

When ominous clouds,
Of darkness and of despair,
Of sickness and of death,
Seek to smother you,
Seek to swallow you,
When your heart aches in anguish,
Screams and yearns for solace,
Lifts the veil of heaviness a moment,
A kindly light shines forth,
A warming ray of hope,
Silently whispering; My child!
Ere you donned the mantle,
Of human flesh in play,
You were always mine own;
The instant you shouldst drop it,
You’ll know, you’re always,
My own, my very own!
A being of light like I,
Immortal and Eternal,
For the fleshy garbs you wear,
Time after time after time,
Are but mere sandcastles,
You build,
To play anew on the shore!

Sunday, 19 January 2020


Flaming swords of grass aglow,
Lively sway they in yon breeze,
Luminous, bright and joyful,
Knowest they, one wonders,
Their effulgence borrowed from the sun!

Thursday, 9 January 2020


Through the moonlight of awareness,
Flit cloudlike forms of thought,
From nowhere they appear,
Only to disappear elsewhere!

Donning the mantle of flesh,
Awareness plays hide and seek,
While thoughts, as desires and fancies,
The sensory world doth create!

Sparks of awareness enact roles,
As individual egos, they play,
Engrossed, the play gets serious,
Playground and players so real!

As colorful varied scenes follow,
Interesting and exciting they seem,
But then repetitiveness reeks of boredom,
And disenchantment lashes out pain!

Fed up, the sparks now intent,
Seek not to play, but the playwright,
Entering the silence, their home,
Is awareness, awake from its dream!
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