The wise often tell us, “Count not on mere faces!”. What they mean to convey is that we should always rely not just on individuals, but on the love of all existence that shines and expresses itself through them. Help often comes forth from a total stranger or a casual acquaintance, rather than from a dear friend or a relative you were counting on, when you need it most! Nature strives in her own mysterious, immaculate ways to show us this truth, ever so often, in our lives. In her own humble, silent way, she whispers.
“Through thy friends or relatives,
Through thy pets or utter strangers,
Via the cool shade of trees,
And the soothing music of streams,
Through the sun that warms thy back,
The cool breeze that kisses thine cheeks,
All through this life or the next,
Never ever forsaking thee,
It be I alone that love ye always,
For verily, it is I that became thee!”